As I sit staring at a blank screen, slowly typing a sentence only to backspace over it, allowing my attention to wander to one of the other several (and trust me, several is an understatement) browser tabs I currently have open, I can't help but think that resurrecting my blog may not be the best idea.
Clearly I struggle with this writing thing.
Or maybe I'm just terrible at introductions, or in the case of this blog, re-introductions.
Either way, what am I doing?
My first attempt at a modern blog was in 2012 when I created oh so smilynn. On the verge of big life happenings (i.e. starting a new job and planning a wedding) and being nudged from a friend and my then fiancé (spoiler alert: he's my husband now), I thought it was the perfect time to join the blogosphere. Six months and a dismal 18 posts later, the blog lay silent and forgotten.
So, what's different nearly three years later? A lot and nothing at all. Life has not slowed down any since then, and if anything, it is moving at an even more rapid pace. Instead of tossing out the I'm too busy excuse, though, I am attempting to redefine my priorities and maintain my sanity in the process. Attempting, of course, being the key word.
Part of that process entails making time for things I enjoy, and one of those things is writing. Tucked away in a closet somewhere are boxes full of my old journals, starting as far back as the sixth grade. My desire to write is not a new one, but it is one that has been neglected the older and busier I got.
My modern day musings will certainly be a mixed bag in terms of topic and substance and that's okay. Gushing over my pups, exploring my faith, sharing family anecdotes, reviewing books, chronicling travels, geeking out over my latest obsessions, whining about my exercise woes, challenging myself in professional growth, swooning over new dresses that I didn't need but purchased anyway... it's all fair game because that's all part of who I am.
But through it all, I truly believe life is a beautiful adventure, and more than anything, I hope that starting this blog again will help me reflect on the colorful, messy and incredible journey.